
Shannon Western – Endometriosis and Nutrition

This week on the podcast I had a great conversation with the lovely Shannon Western.  We talked about Endometriosis and women’s health, looking at whether nutrition can support or better our symptoms, and how else we can help ourselves to be more comfortable. 

Shannon is a Registered Associate Nutritionist who offers nutrition counselling for disordered eating and women’s health conditions. She offers a compassionate, person-centred approach that allows people to explore their eating behaviour and thoughts around food and their body. Shannon offers a Non-Diet and HAES (r) approach to health.  

Shannon gave so much great information, far too much to turn into a blog post, so here’s the episode for you to listen. Enjoy.

Please do follow Shannon on social media. Her posts on non-diet nutrition are excellent and super informative.

You can find her on Instagram at @shannonwesternnutrition and @womenshealthnutritionist, and her website is www.shannonwesternnutrition.com.

Here is a great article that Shannon has written on endometriosis if you want to know more:  https://www.healthnutritionist.co.uk/post/stop-the-endo-belly-our-nutritionist-gives-4-tips-and-4-myths-to-avoid.

If you liked what you heard have a listen to some of my other episodes. The Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity Podcast is available on most streaming services, or you can listen here on the website. The full list of episodes can also be found here on the Podcast page.

Please note, this post is intended to be general information only. Every care has been taken to ensure that facts and figures are correct at the time of posting. As always, please seek the support of a registered professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle⁠, or if you feel that you are affected by any of the topics discussed. 

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